Monday, September 5, 2011

Dipsites from Pinjore express their gratitude on Teacher’s Day

by Haryananewswire (Balbir)

The air was full of fragrance of flowers gifted to the teachers by the respectful and affectionate students of all classes. They also expressed their heartfelt gratitude in words and through colours on the handmade cards which were presented to their loving teachers.
A short cultural program
was also prepared by the children comprising shalokkocharar ‘Gurur Brahama…’– a semi classical
dance. The poems and the speeches prepared expressed their heartfelt thanks conveyed with zeal.
The management arranged a sumptuous a south breakfast in honour of the Teachers for their
dedication and devotion for this noble profession.
A movie was an added attraction of the celebrations.
The Principal Mr. Samson Masih was thanked by all the teachers day card and a bouquet was presented
to him for being the Teacher’s Teacher and the mentor whose guidance is always sought and required to
reach the goals.
The Principal also congratulated all the teachers on this ‘Their’ day and urged them to put in their best
and guide the students entrusted to their care in the right direction.

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