Thursday, August 16, 2018

Cadre change policy for District Cadre Teachers framed

The Haryana Government has framed Cadre Change Policy for District Cadre Teachers that is, PRT, JBT, HT Teachers and Classical and Vernacular (C&V) Teachers working on regular basis in Elementary Education Department.
        While stating this here, the Education Minister, Mr. Ram Bilas Sharma said that only District Cadre Teachers who are working on regular basis in Elementary Education Department are eligible to be considered for transfer under this policy. The applicant teacher must have completed three years of regular service as ‘Teacher’ under School Education Department of the State Government, he added.
        He said that all those teachers who have been recruited specifically against Mewat cadre would not be transferred out of Mewat. However, others teachers, though working in Mewat are eligible to be considered for transfer under this policy. The applicant teacher would mention maximum three districts of his or her choice on the MIS portal of the department.
         The Minister said that at any point of time, the Department would have the district wise requirement of teachers based on the latest rationalisation along-with the reserve staff. Reserve staff would comprise of the vacancy created due to teachers being on various kind of leaves like maternity leave, child care leave, study leave and extraordinary leave. The percentage of various categories such as General, SC, BC-A, BC-B and ExServiceman as ratio of district requirement would be maintained at the district level as much as possible. However, the state would relax this rule for certain categories like Physically Handicapped.
          He said that if a teacher volunteer to participate in the transfer drive then it would be assumed that he or she consents to the change of his or her cadre and that his lien and seniority would be affected as specified in this policy. If a teacher had participated in a particular cadre change drive under this policy, then he or she would be ineligible to participate in such cadre change drives for next three years. The department can specify additional conditions which would be deemed to be consented by the teacher voluntarily participating in the transfer drive.
          Mr. Sharma said that for every category, there would be two kind of vacancies except Physically Handicapped category. He said that the difference in the requirement of a district and the regular teachers posted in a particular district would constitute the Actual Vacancy. Apart from this, a teacher who is participating in the transfer drive, that is, who has volunteered and filled at least one choice district on portal would contribute to the vacancy in that district in his or her own category, would be known as Deemed Vacancy.
          He said that teachers who are 90 per cent or more physical disability, currently suffering from cancer, having undergone bye-pass heart surgery, had kidney transplant or currently undergoing dialysis would be assigned the district of their choice irrespective of the vacancy position in the district. Rest of the teachers would be sorted in the decreasing order of the marks obtained by them in their respective category. Their choices would be considered against the available vacancies. Teacher with more marks would get priority over teachers with lesser marks.
          The Minister said that in the eventuality of tie, that is, teachers having exactly same marks, the seniority for the purpose of consideration of the choices would be decided. He said that on joining new district, teachers would be placed at the end of seniority list of that district. Their lien in the previous district would end on joining the new district. The teacher whose date of joining in the current district is earlier would be considered senior after getting transferred to the next same district or cadre.
          If any teacher feels that his or her cadre has been changed against the provisions of this policy then he or she can file online grievance on the portal provided by the department within 15 days of issuance of such order. Such grievance would be redressed as per the provisions of this policy and an appropriate decision would be taken by the department as deem fit, he added.

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