by Haryananewswire (Balbir)
Haryana Government has approved the inter-district transfer policy for JBT and C and V Cadre Teachers who are working on regular basis.
While stating this here today, Education Minister, Mrs Geeta Bhukkal said that application forms for individual or mutual (appointment by transfer) would be available on website . Applications should reach concerned District Education Officers (DEOs) by August 25,2011.
She said that in case of mutual inter-district transfer, applications should be countersigned both by the DEO or District Elementary Education Officer (DEEO) of the districts. Both the teachers would submit their options in writing for mutual transfer and state in their affidavits that they were ready to lose their seniority in their previous districts and agree with the new seniority at the tail in the new district and their lien would be deemed to be terminated automatically on joining the new district.
The mutual transfer would be effective from the date of joining in new districts. If one teacher would not join during the prescribed period then the appointment by transfer of both the teachers would automatically lapse and both would have to join at their earlier stations. No Travelling Allowance or DA would be admissible to such teachers, she added.
The Minister said that for Mewat district, only mutual transfer requests would be considered. No application form adhoc or contractual or Guest teachers of JBT and C and V Teacher Cadre would be entertained or accepted. The senior most would be given preference for inter-district transfer as and when vacancy arises. The seniority of such teachers would be fixed at the tail end of the concerned cadre in the new districts. He or she would submit an affidavit with regard to losing his or her seniority in the previous district and to give undertaking not toclaim seniority on the basis of service rendered in the previous district to the concerned DEO or DEEO with a copy to the respective Directorates.
Mrs Bhukkal said that preference would be given to mutual transfer of the teacher in the same category or cadre, physically challenged persons with 70 per cent or more disability, widow or legally divorced female teacher, persons with terminal illness that is Cancer, un-married lady teacher, wife of serving soldier and JBT or C and V female teachers who want transfer in the district where their husbands are working in district cadre under Education Department. All those female JBT or C and V teachers whose husbands are working in district cadre of other departments would also be considered in this group.
Preference would also be given to such JBT or C and V female teachers as got married after joining their service and seek transfer in the district where husband or in-laws are residing; wives of official or officers of Defence or Para-Military forces that is Army, Navy, Air-force, BSF, ITBP and all such female JBT or C and V teachers as seek their transfer in the district where their husbands are working in State Cadre posts of State or Centre Government or Local Bodies and body corporate, she added.
The Minister said that all DEOs or DEEOs would prepare the proposal or merit list in triplicate after sorting out the application forms as per prescribed criteria and guidelines of inter-district transfer and send the same to the respective Directorates by August 29,2011 through special messenger. Category-wise vacancy list of C and V or JBT teachers might also be sent to the respective Directorates along-with the proposal or merit list.
No transfer would be made without the approval of concerned Directorate, she added.
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