Saturday, September 29, 2012

HSAM leasing out commercial space on rental basis in Panchkula

by Haryananewswire
Haryana State Agricultural Marketing Board has invited applications to lease out commercial space on rental basis in Apple Market at the Grain, Vegetable and Flowers market in Sector 20, Panchkula.
          While stating this here today, a spokesman of the Board said that any Organization, Company, Firm, Trust or individual who wanted to run the business of apple might apply with the details of turnover, experience, proof of running apple business and financial and operational capability to run the business. He said that the applicants who have atleast two years of experience in apple trading might apply for lease of space on rent basis in the proposed apple market.
Such applicants could apply to the Secretary, Market Committee, Panchkula on the prescribed proforma, which could be obtained  from the office of Secretary, Market Committee, Panchgkula free of cost.
He said that the Board reserved the right to reject or cancel any application without any reason. For further details, the applicants could contact office of Market Committee, Panchkula on phone number 0172-2551189 on any working day between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Quite interesting and different post.. Keep posting..Stay blessed!!
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